Thursday, March 21, 2013

Long Walk, Shopping, Ribs and a Vet ...

Yesterday morning we dropped our laundry off to be washed and then headed along the beach to Barra de Navidad.  It is probably about a mile along the beach and I had never done it before.  The best place was walking near the water, which meant we had to be very vigilant , watching for large waves that would swamp us.  Well we got caught by those waves quite a few times.  By the time we made it to Barra we were tired, wet and very thirsty.

First we went to the Banamex ATM, which thankfully liked our card.  The machine in Melaque doesn’t like it.  Then we headed down towards the malecon and all of the shops.  We weren’t really looking for anything, but you know what that means.  Yup, we found some nice shops.  We resisted stopping in, we were on a mission to fill our tummies and soothe our parched throats.

We decided on Seamaster’s restaurant which had collapsed last year due to the constant pounding of waves against their foundation.  They have fixed it up very nicely and have a new patio which was where we sat.  Lunch was fish tacos for Al and chicken quesadilla for me, and cervesa’s of course.
Al if you are going to keep closing your eyes when I take pictures, wear your sunglasses!  Then no one can tell!

We then meandered back through the shops.  I was doing very well just looking until I saw the little boy shirt and short set that I just knew Alex would look great in, then Al had to try on a silk shirt for him and then we decided that Corry needed a shirt too.  Sorry Christi and Alyssa us girls lost out, it was a boys only shopping day.  And I know that you guys would hate anything I picked out for you!

for Corry

for Alex, it has little matching shorts!

Shopping over we then cabbed back to Melaque, after a quick dip in the pool we decided we had enough energy to go out for Senor Froy’s Rib dinner.

the view from our table

Al's little margarita

as the sun started to set!

This morning we decided it was time to take Jazzy to the vet to get her in-grown claws clipped.  We brought out the cat carrier and good little kitty that she is, she climbed right in.  She was quiet the whole walk to the vet, just looking around at everything.  That changed when we got to the vet.  Now Mexican vets are very different then Canadian ones.  This one was in a store, there were six pups out front.  A small maltese and a chihuhua in a cage together sleeping, below them were three larger pups, one looked to be a healer cross with bright blue eyes and two were labs, one golden one black.  Tied up to the telephone pole by short rope was a pit-bull cross, who was at the chewing stage.  Inside the store in the front corners were children’s clothes on one side, shoes on the other side, next there was pet supplies, everything from bird and fish supplies, cat and dog food and supplies to cattle supplements and saddles and leather goods.  Behind the counter was all the medicines etc.  All the way to the back was a little counter and standing behind it was the vet and he was operating on a small dog!  The owner was holding the dog on the counter, he was sedated thank god!  The dog, not the owner.   After that surgery was over and the owner took the still sleeping dog home in a box, it was our turn!  Jazzy was her normal bratty self when having her nails cut and hissed and yelled and scratched but the vet trimmed her nails.  $80 pesos later and we left to walk back home.  I am happy to report that Jazzy seems just fine but she may never climb so happily into her carrier again.  Sorry no pictures, it was too traumatizing!

Now we are sitting in the shade listening to the birds and drinking our pre-dinner drink.  Dinner is butterfly prawns, rice and vegetable cooked by us!

We don’t know what adventures tomorrow will bring!

1 comment:

  1. Great post guys! I will try and have Barb and Sal import some sand and maybe we can spread it around the perimeter so you feel at home!!
