Thursday, January 31, 2013

We are in Mexico!

This morning we woke up in Arizona, AND, it was -3, as I write this we are in San Carlos Mexico!  

We pulled  out of De Anza RV Park at 7:50 headed for the small Arizona town of Rio Rico to fill up with gas and to meet Doug and Nancy. 

From there it was about 15 minutes to the border.  We were excited and worried about this crossing.  Euri led the way, they got the red light and had to pull over for a quick inspection we got waved though a narrow opening and that was it we were in Mexico.

The paperwork, visitor and vehicle permits would be done at KM21.  Strange system but who is going to complain.  We had to pay a toll to travel on the road, it was bumpy, but two lanes most of the way and we were soon at the “immigration” buildings.  We went into the first building and a very nice woman handed us the forms to fill out, we showed our passports to her, told her how long we expected to be in Mexico and we were shuffled over to the next building to the cashier.  We showed her our vehicle registration,  our passports and the visitor card and she put the info into her computer, charged us $49.95 US for the vehicle and $590 pesos for us  and handed us our permits.  We then went back to the first building where a nice man stamped our passports and sent us on our way…

That was way easier than we expected!  We were legally in Mexico!

Our first stop was the city of Hermosillo to find a Walmart.  We again let Euri lead the way, (their Garmin GPS showed more details then our Tom Tom GPS) we drove through the narrow bustling streets until we got to the Walmart.  Euri drove right in… We turned into the entrance and that was where the fun began!  Narrow entrances, low fiberglass awnings over the parking spaces, high curbs and low hanging wires.  Sorry we didn’t take pictures, we all were too busy trying to direct Al back out of the parking lot without damaging the structures or the motorhome.  By the way, we did get groceries…

We went back on to the highway and headed for Guyamas/San Carlos…these are two small towns right on the ocean!  We pulled in to Totonaka RV Park around 4 pm, got set up and poured the Margaritas

We made it to Mexico!

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